When you are looking good, women will make it easier for you to start something with them. You will get proximity (deliberately placing herself somewhere you will notice her), longer and more frequent eye contact, smiles, attentiveness and if she is bold, she will even open you.
But you still have to land the plane – and if you are clueless, you can still f it all up and not get the pull.
Ask me how I know…
When I was in my early 20s I was good looking but absolutely clueless. Women made it super easy for me, but I was so astoundingly lacking in game, confidence and understanding of female psychology, that I still f’ed it all up more times than I succeeded!
One woman even OPENED me with “I want to fuck you, now.” True story! This was before midnight too, in a nightclub I hadn’t been to before. I was just there on the dancefloor, grooving to the sound. She literally walked up to me out of nowhere and said that.
I was about 22. I was so gobsmacked and mind-jammed that I literally didn’t know what to say – or what to do! She tried one more attempt, leaning up to me and saying more softly “I really mean it”. I still didn’t know what to say. I was frozen like a deer in the headlights.
She wandered off.
Do you need any more proof than this that looks are not everything??? If you still don’t believe me, ask a female friend what ratio of men don’t know how to land the plane. She will probably say “most of them!”
I have plenty of other stories like this, but I won’t bore you.
“Good looking but useless” guys even have a nickname among girls: Show ponies. They might bang him – once – but she will tire of him really fast. Especially if he has no bedroom skills, no charisma, no clue how to get her off and/or can’t be bothered to even try.
When she finds a man who looks good, she thinks “Now there’s a guy I would go on the magic carpet ride with”.
But the moment it hits her that you are in fact a good looking idiot, she doesn’t want to be on that magic carpet trying to teach you how to do all the things she wants you to do. She wants you to be skilled, charming, exciting and a fun guy to go on a ride with!
This is a perfect metaphor. Looks help her decide to jump on the magic carpet in the first place, but that’s really it.
And what’s interesting is that there are numerous other ways to convince her that you know how to fly that magic carpet.
Displays of confidence.
Preselection (other women want you)
Amazing seductive chat that captivates her sexual imagination (women love erotic novels, remember!)
Displays of skill (incredible guitarist, hmm, he is really skilled with his fingers and moves them so fast…. and he knows how to move… the way he moves his hips, mmm yes that tells me all I need to know, I wonder if he fucks as well as he dances…)
Leader of men (other men look up to you)
Access to resources (clearly you are in control of your life, a man who goes for what he wants)
Mystery talks about these attraction triggers but remember that this is within the context of game. His coaching is good but as with many other game coaches, they downplay looks entirely.
The reality is that it’s not an either-or situation. It all helps. But there is an important reason why I wrote this – because the pendulum has swung massively the other way and there are a huge number of men that believe that aesthetics are literally everything.
They are not. You NEED the other cards – and when you have strong cards across all the four suits is when the magic really happens.
Another super interesting point is that very good looking people often end up lacking in other areas – because people give them a free pass too easily in other areas. This applies to both male and female. And if you don’t need to try harder, why would you bother?
Hence super good looking people are often a lousy lay, or treat people disrespectfully. There are some women who are so hot that they can instantly replace whoever they are dating, rather than actually moderate their behavior. You can have all the right boundaries – and they will just not even want to be bothered with it. It’s a drag but the truth is that you are better off without those types.
You are also better off focusing on self improvement. When you truly are the best option, everyone will start treating you real nice. Funny that.
Final note on this one – stop trying to be so nice. It is far better to be exciting and FUN.