March 7, 2025

The Reps vs. DMs Ratio And The Carbs vs. Ab Workout Ratio (AMAZING Results!)

Pushups > DMs

If you made a rule for yourself…..

….. an iron-clad, bullet-in-the-head-if-you-screw-it-up rule…

that you were not allowed to check your DMs / dating sites / social media UNLESS you do 20 reps first… and not allowed to send ANY messages to women without doing 20 reps before EACH MESSAGE –

I guarantee you will get laid more often.

Each website you check messages on = 20 reps before EACH check. About to open Instagram / Tinder / whatever? NOPE. 20 Reps first.
Each message you are going to send = 20 reps before sending it.
1 Rep = either a pushup, pull up, squat, bench press, kettle bell lift, etc.

For even better results, make the number of reps higher. But the main thing is, just start – and stick to it. Make this a hard and fast rule for yourself! Start today.

Trust me on this. Benefits include:

1) you will get fitter.
2) you will naturally delay responding, which limits “instaresponding” (a sign of low value / overly high investment in the girl).
3) you will divert those evil “dopamine spike” impulses that social media made you addicted to, into something more valuable, retraining your brain away from instant gratification and giving you a greater overall temperance. (It’s truly mind blowing when you realize just how hooked you were and didn’t even notice!)
4) you won’t be tempted to do “mass sends” – always a fail.
5) you will spend less time on social media.
6) when you do message her, you will be feeling good about yourself – which is a good vibe to carry into the interaction!

If you screw up, you have to do 25 after. To begin with, you WILL screw up. And it will shock you just how automatic and unconscious this message-checking behavior has become. You tap the button and open the app before you even realize you’ve done it.

Social media is a drug, I swear.

Ab Workouts > Carbs:

Similarly – if you made a rule that your carb feast to ab workout ratio was never allowed to go above 1:1 or you would face the shooting squad, I guarantee you would be sexier.

REMEMBER: The GOAL of all this is to be sexier. To be a winner.

Getting laid is the reward.

Ab workout / core workout = full session of leg raises, crunches, planks (including side planks), etc.

Carb feast = every time you eat bread, pizza, pasta, toast, fries etc.

For even better results, ramp up the ratios. But this is a good place to start.

It’s all about retraining your habits – and it’s not that hard, actually.

Sugar = NO

As for anything with sugar in it, try banning it permanently from your life. I’m completely serious.

I am of course not a doctor, lawyer or financial advisor, but with that being said: Dumping sugar is probably the best “pro tip” I can give you as a human being, aside from Captain Obvious type things like “Don’t punch yourself in the head”. That, hopefully, you already have figured out.

I really mean it. Quit sugar forever and reap the rewards. I did it years ago, never looked back. Net result? I’m in my 50’s and still get hotties. Yes I do.

Everything you want in this life is on the other side of work, self-discipline, effort and making GOOD CHOICES.

Never forget this!!!