February 22, 2025

This Is Exactly Why She Is Not Sliding Into Your DMs

Once you get to the place where you have so forged your life into what you would like it to be, that it no longer matters whether she messages back, and you are able to communicate that, effortlessly and genuinely, through your demeanour… you will have an abundance of options. Her reactions are a mirror – and you have work to do.

“There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.” – Louis XIV

“Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.” – Anon

unofficial poll
Does this guy seem like he is fun to hang out with?

This dude (he of the ultra-embarrassing screenshot above) IS PRECISELY the problem. He does not see it, at all, and probably never will:

He sends 1000 copy paste messages, then of the few percent that respond, he immediately requests a video call, cannot fathom why they ghost.. and then blames the girls! He even insinuates that THEY are the ones who are timewasters!

Because there HAS to be some reason other than how utterly cringe he is, that these women are not into him.

All of this “poll BS”, together with his subsequent whining in the thread, which I have mercifully spared you the indignity of being forced to endure, is him trying frantically to COPE with the harsh reality of life, which is that he is not getting any pussy at all – and that ALL of the girls are giving him a hard pass.

And the REASON for this, is NOT because they are flakes, or because they are “Onlyfans Girls”, or because they are anything!


He has ZERO game, zero intrigue, zero seductive skills and zero SMV.

Take Full Responsibility

If you are blaming the girls AT ALL for the fact that you are not getting girls, this SHOWS with 100% clarity that you are missing the target by a country mile.

Their REACTIONS to you, or should I say lack of reactions in this dude’s case, tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. If only you will be man enough to look at that in the mirror – under a cold, hard light. You should do that, because it is very good for you.

(And by the way, this has NOTHING to do with what you are born with, but has everything to do with what you forge yourself into, or don’t.)

But no. He will probably never do that, until it is too late. True inner work is difficult, so like an automaton, hypnotized, he will just keep on sending lame DMs from his lame profile, following this up with ENTIRELY UNAROUSING interrogation-style interview questions… and then blaming the girls for being fake when they ghost.

F me sideways, is this how bad it has gotten? Now you know what I mean when I say that most men have zero game.

Newsflash: There are MILLIONS of available, attractive, HORNY women looking EAGERLY for the most awesome man they can find.

But…. they have OPTIONS!

If you are clearly getting given a hard pass by all the girls and then, with your dreadful whining, advertise openly that this is what is happening, then it SIGNALS to every other girl that they ought to give you a hard pass too!

This dude’s post is, quite literally, dating suicide. It will wave a massive red flag to all females to avoid him. (They already did, because of the 100 other signals of neediness and failure that he was giving off, but this is just one extra nail in the coffin, because you know, go big or go home.)

Gentlemen: You have A LOT of competition. There are other men out there who work harder on self improvement than you do, and have done so for years, while you sat on the couch jerking off and sending hopeless DMs.

The competition is LAPPING YOU and it is not because of being born this or that, or anything else that you consider having been “dealt a bad hand”.

It’s because you move like a snail – in the wrong direction! You are on the couch, trying to get something from girls. You, quite obviously, are not a beacon of light that they are irresistibly magnetized to.

But you could be.

The very fact that you are sending 1000 messages (puke) already shows that you are not awesome enough in the correct areas.

Why are they not messaging you?

If you are awesome enough, they WILL message first. If they do not message first? You have work to do! And the longer you spend NOT doing it, the lower your chances of pulling yourself out of this pit of unhappiness.

The very fact that this fool even has TIME to send 1000 messages, shows that he is not working on himself anywhere near enough. You could have been doing pushups in all that time bro! Someone else was. And who is gonna be the guy who gets the action? Think about it.

You should be spending 98%+ of your time making your life amazing, with fierce determination, with 2% MAX looking at profiles and sliding into DMs.

By God, do you not even care about yourself?

Women are extremely good at reading men. Where you are at, is visible in innumerable “tells” and they absorb all of this intel in about 0.2 seconds and think “nope”. Looking at all the other lovable losers on these social dating apps, they are invariably following tons of girls, and hardly any are following them – which shows that these guys are trying to GET SOMETHING FROM GIRLS, that they are hoping “one who isn’t like the others” will come along and “make them complete” or some BS. But their photos suck and their life sucks. They are hoping that some girl will come along and take pity on them and make life all better. A WOMAN WILL NOT DO THAT, EVER and it is not her job to!!!

The ONLY PERSON Who Can Change Your Life Is You.

A WINNER KNOWS THIS and it is precisely this knowledge, fully absorbed to the core of your being, that allows you to forge yourself into you a winner in this harsh life that DGAFF about any of us.

If you look to a woman to improve your life, via conditions or expectations on her to do this or do that, without which you will be unhappy, or if you are trying to get something from her, you are DONE. It is ALREADY OVER. Neediness is a BAD HABIT left over from childhood and women agree universally that it is probably the most unattractive trait a male can have. Fix yourself up, man of God!

The problem here is you are trying to get something from them. You are trying to look to them to somehow make you happy. Which is an AWFUL approach to dating.

Your life should be amazing whether or not she does x,y or z. Otherwise you are toast!!!!!

You date successfully from a high place only. Never from a low place. This is not a drug reference. I mean high place inside yourself, the place where life is good because you made it so!

She will then react to that by wanting to be in your vibe. When you are in a good state, she wants to be in it with you.

On the other hand, all of these butthurt emotions are like shards of ice, to a girl. She wants to swim where the water is warm, not where there are jagged shards of ice under the surface!

The cure is actually simple, but not easy – because it takes WORK:

If you are in a low place, change your life first, then date. When your life is already awesome, genuinely, for real, and you are perfectly thrilled with your day whether she is present or not, she will appear.

It is precisely the fact that your cup runneth over without her, that makes you attractive, and precisely the fact that you are trying to get your happiness from her, that makes you unattractive!

Really hope the lightbulb is going on here. Soak this up. Women are not success. Getting women is a BYPRODUCT of success. And success means, creating your dream life with your bare hands.

Make your life so awesome that you LOVE YOUR LIFE whether she is there or not – and THEN and ONLY THEN, invite her along for the ride. With PERFECT non-attachment to whether she actually shows up or not, because the day is going to be incredible either way. That’s how it’s done.

If you really nail this, you will have an abundance of dating options, rather than scarcity.

Ask ANY GUY who gets laid like a rockstar and he will confirm this. You HAVE to create your own happiness (it is a TON of HARD WORK and yes it HURTS) – and when your CUP RUNNETH OVER and your INNER SUN RADIATES, she will want to come and bask in that. You cannot fake it, do not even try. Live your DHARMA and they WILL notice. Do not try to fake, it is 100% self destructive behavior that never, ever, ever gets the desired result and always backfires!


Pick any male rock star, or champion athlete, or CEO, or any other highly successful man who is top of their field. Do you think they send 1000 DMs????

A top tier male barely even has time to check his DMs. There are hotties in his inbox that he has not even noticed, let alone gotten round to dealing with!

How many times per hour do you check to see if she responded? Yes, that counts as wasting your life! Time is so precious.

And when you actually do get that message from that hot girl, do you instarespond in 0.2 seconds?

That’s why you are done. It shows that you have nothing interesting going on in your life!

Your massive over-availability showed her everything she needed to know.

Note: This is not about deliberately pausing your responses to make it look as though you have a life. This is about actually having a life – so that you are not so hung up on what she does!!!

When she RE-messages you – and you realize that you completely forgot to even check if she messaged back the first time… not because you are being a dickhead but BECAUSE YOU WERE SO BUSY BEING AWESOME THAT YOU JUST FORGOT, that’s a sign you are on target.

If you chase a cat, it runs away. If you try to grab it, you get scratched and it serves you right. But if you are KING of your life and are NOT NEEDING THE CAT, the cat jumps in your lap and starts purring. When you are working on your computer, ignoring the cat, it gets in your face and says “pet me”. Why do you think that is???

Get Off The Internet And Get To Work

The trouble with these social media sites, is that it is like drugs for your brain. It shortcuts your dopamine reward circuits and makes you quite literally addicted. However this smorgasbord of tantalizing cookies, all just a few clicks away, has catastrophic effects on your overall dateability because it conditions you to take the path of lesser effort for your happiness – which means you end up fat, soft, lazy, useless and undesirable!

The only person who wins is the MF social media site CEO – who has no qualms about using algorithms to wreck humans for profit. One day all of this will be worked out scientifically, but that will be after our time.

It’s like a casino. On balance, you are going to lose, but people keep coming back for more because hopium is such a powerful drug.

But you KNOW the truth, deep down: Hope is not a plan. Chasing girls is not a plan. Re-messaging them after they left you on read is not a plan.

Literally unplug from this shit and go work on yourself.

Get to work. Get to work. Get to work.

There are 168 hours in a week, how many of those did you spend in actual, fierce, determined effort to be the absolute best version of yourself you can possibly be?? 2??

Jerking off does not count as work, and you can sleep when you are dead. Sorry it’s tough. Life has always been war, for men, war against an infinite machine that intends to grind us to dust and destroy us. It is literally us against the universe, it’s a MF, and you only have a certain amount of time.

The very fact that this dude is even on his “I’m gonna do a poll” train of thought, shows just how far from the target he is. A million fucking miles.

Take in the information that is staring you in the face, like a man.

And LEVEL THE FUCK UP. Rescue yourself from social media hell.